
This office is headed by Rev. Antony Muema

The following are its purposes:
  1. To review the present position of education in the diocese of Kitui, especially with regard to the teaching of both primary and secondary schools. Making concrete suggestions on what changes may be necessary in order to make it effective
  2. Monitoring implementation of the policies decided on and recommend how various groups/individuals concerned with education throughout the diocese of Kitui can be best encouraged or assisted in fulfillment of their responsibilities
  3. To provide guidance and help to the education secretary in decision-making on his general program of work by advising him on any special administrative difficulties that may arise

Schools: The Catholic Diocese of Kitui has 347 Primary Sponsored Schools, 123 Sponsored Secondary schools, 12 Special Schools, 29 private primary schools, 6 polytechnics, 5 private colleges, and 1 sponsored college..


Principals’ Meeting/ Workshops

The principal’s meetings have the following aims: Bring all Catholic school heads together, discuss issues that are intended to improve academic performance, include issues pertaining to moral and spiritual upholding for teachers, students, and even non-teaching staff, strengthen the relationship between head teachers and sponsors, and bring head teachers together to share their experiences and administrative best practices.

Up to date, the principal’s meetings have achieved the following:

  1. Brought all the Catholic-sponsored school heads together,
  2. Improvement of academic performance,
  3. It has brought Christian Union and Young Students Movement together, and
  4. An enhanced good relationship between the Catholic-sponsored school heads and the parishes and there has been intensive formation spiritual of teachers and students.


Education day

It is held once per year. The importance of the education day is to Celebrate Catholic Education and achievement, Motivate parents, teachers, and students on the value of education and underline the need wholistic for education

Diocesan Education Advisory Board Members

  • Rt. Rev. Joseph Mwongela, Bishop, and Chairman
  • Rev. Fr. Antony Muema, Education Secretary
  • Rev. Fr. Julius Muthamba
  • Mr. Joseph Muema
  • Mr. Nicholas Muasya
  • Dr. Assumpta Mulila
  • Mr. John Musyimi
  • Mrs. Angelina Musyoki
  • Ms. Virginia Kiilu


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