A tree with deep roots and large branches to show the kingdom of God growing like a mustard seed to become a large tree where birds of the air come to nest. The roots call for our firmness in faith as received and transmitted to others in the church. It is a place of shelter and refuge as we enjoy good fruits. The tree represents our social programs. May we give praise to God as we develop our church and our land. Laudato Si!
The Good shepherd symbolizes care for the flock with love and tenderness. I pray that I may smell like the sheep! May I learn how to be a father to all people. May they know me and trust me as their shepherd.
The human heart: may I reach people and win them through their hearts. May God give us a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26). May I have a big heart. May my heart be in the church. May our hearts be restless until they rest in God. May we never flag in zeal. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, may our hearts burn with zeal to know Jesus.
A Dove with Olive branch: The Holy Spirit comes to bring peace. May we let the Holy Spirit work in us all as we serve and build the kingdom of God here on earth and rest in peace in eternity when we leave this earth. The fear of evil paralyzes us while the Holy Spirit makes us strong in faith.
My motto is: “Your Will be Done” This is taken from the Lord’s Prayer. It is a total abandonment to God whom I seek to do His will. My desire is to do the will of Him who called me…(cf. John 4:34) Here I am Lord, I have come to do your will (Psalm 40:8,9). Our service should not be mere words but doing the will of God (Mt 7:21)