This office is headed by the Diocesan Women Co-ordinator, Peninah John. It exists to witness Christ’s Love through their faith and action within their families, communities and in the universal church. Through this, they have partnered strong parishes with weak parishes
The main objectives of CWA are;
1. To improve and form strong women groups.
2. To strengthen, deepen faith and restore family values
3. To enhance women economic base
4. To improve participation and involvement into church activities
5. To capacity build women through relevant trainings.
CWA attends many diocesan activities, for example during diaconates, priestly ordination, profession of brothers and sisters. In order for the devotees of St. Monica to be stronger in faith.
The Association is currently running a saving and credit project within the parishes which began in 1992 through the assistance of the development office. It has empowered women economically and helped them to sustain their daily activities. They have a house project in Kwa Vonza
The women office has a project of selling tie and dye lesso sales with an aim of earning profits. This profit enables the women to run diocesan activities such as creating awareness of CWA activities at parish level together with the spiritual inputs and also maintaining diocesan CWA meetings.
Upcoming Events
Diocesan CWA Mass