Catholic Diocese of Kitui opens a new parish

It was a joyful day as the faithful of the Catholic Diocese of Kitui, especially St. Augustine’s Parish Nguutani, gathered at Kweluu to witness the official opening of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Kweluu. This is the 33rd parish in the Catholic Diocese of Kitui and is curved from Nguutani parish and will comprise of the following stations: Blessed Sacrament, Kweluu, St. Peter- Mavui, St. Francis of Assisi- Yenzuva, St. Paul- Winzyeei, St. Joseph- Thaana, St. Veronica- Kyangungi, St. Cecilia- Mululini, St. John- Masingani, St. Benedict- Kamutekeo, and St. Mary- Tulima Tuthei

The colorful ceremony was presided over by His Lordship, Rt. Rev. Joseph Mwonglea,

In his message, Bishop Mwongela urged the faithful to embrace unity, stating that guided by the Holy Spirit and with the help of God, they will go far and accomplish many objectives. Additionally, he underlined the value of hard work and dedication, requesting a good collaboration between the clergy, religious, and laity.

“In all circumstances, always rejoice, thank God, and be a true witness of Christ,” he said.

“Take care of the environment, give others hope, help others who are in need, and respect each other,” he urged.

The beginning of the Blessed Sacrament Parish began when Kweluu Catholic Station was opened in October 1970 by Fr. Noel Connolly, as an outstation in St. Patrick’s Parish, Migwani. On the opening day, Mr. John Kasunzuli Kasungo, the catechist, accompanied the priest. The late Francisca Mbia Musee, mother to the late Musee Silu, was a renown icon of faith in the area around that time, and she was instrumental in requesting the opening of the station at Kweluu. The first shelter of the station was a grass-thatched structure, which was situated at the present-day site of Kyusyani Primary School.

On November 19, 2021, Bishop Mwongela blessed the land acquired for parish construction. On this day, he led the ground breaking as well as administering the sacrament of Confirmation to 334 confirmands. On February 15, 2022, the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Mark Musyoka, together with the parish council, visited the site, and this marked the beginning of the construction process for the Priests House which indeed started in earnest. The construction work on the Priests House has taken barely a year to accomplish.

The event was attended by clergy, religious, laity, and national and county government officials.

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